
01 May 2009


Well the Entertainment Weekly’s Star Trek Cover article has hit the net! It reveals the plot line and a few other little tidbits you may find interesting. I pulled a few things out of the article that I found interesting for you to read but you can read the full article RIGHT HERE. J.J. Abrams does most of the talking here.

”I don’t think people even understand what Star Trek means anymore,” Abrams watched the first Star Trek film in 1979 with his father, veteran TV-movie producer Gerald Abrams, at a theater on the Paramount lot. But he feels no warm-fuzzy nostalgia about it. In fact, Abrams can sum up his regard for Trek in two words: Galaxy Quest, the 1999 hit starring Tim Allen that satirized Trek with painful precision. ”It’s so ridiculous, so accurate, so sophisticated, it spoils the Star Trek universe,” he says.

Galaxy Quest was such a great movie. I think a lot of hard core Star Trek fans aren’t going to like what Abrams says.

”All my smart friends liked Star Trek,” he says. ”I preferred a more visceral experience.” Which is exactly why he accepted Paramount’s offer in 2005 to develop a new Trek flick; creatively, he was engaged by the possibility of a Star Trek movie ”that grabbed me the way Star Wars did.” That meant a bigger budget and better special effects than any previous Trek film, plus freedom to reinvent the mythos as needed. ”We have worldwide aspirations and we need to broaden [Trek’s] appeal,” says Weston. ”Doing the half-assed version of this thing wasn’t going to work.”

So did that statement bother you? I love Star trek myself but I am not hardcore so it doesn’t affect me much. I am all about seeing an incredible bad ass Star Trek upgrade!

Abrams made his perspective clear: ”We weren’t making a movie for fans of Star Trek,” he said. ”We were making a movie for fans of movies.” From there, the team hashed out the specifics. Exact plot details are top secret, but there are a few things EW can tell you.

And I am a movie fan which is why I have loved everything I have seen for this film so far. Now I am going to warn you the below is the Plot Summary so it is considered a SPOILER. If you don’t want to know don’t read ahead.

Star Trek’s time-travel plot is set in motion when a Federation starship, the USS Kelvin, is attacked by a vicious Romulan (Eric Bana) desperately seeking one of the film’s heroes. From there, the film then brings Kirk and Spock center stage and tracks the origins of their friendship and how they became officers aboard the Enterprise. In fact, the movie shows how the whole original series crew came together: McCoy (Karl Urban), Uhura (Zoë Saldana), Scotty (Simon Pegg), Sulu (John Cho), and Chekov (Anton Yelchin). The adventure stretches from Earth to Vulcan, and yes, it does find a way to have Nimoy appearing in scenes with at least one of the actors on our cover - and maybe both. The storytelling is newbie-friendly, but it slyly assimilates a wide range of Trek arcana, from doomed Captain Pike (Bruce Greenwood) to Sulu’s swordsmanship to classic lines like, ”I have been, and always shall be, your friend.” More ambitiously, the movie subversively plays with Trek lore - and those who know it. The opening sequence, for example, is an emotionally wrenching passage that culminates with a mythic climax sure to leave zealots howling ”Heresy!” But revisionism anxiety is the point. ”The movie,” Lindelof says, ”is about the act of changing what you know.”

This just sounds fantastic to me and I can’t wait to see this flick! I have no problems with this, but honestly what will the hardcore Star Trek fans think. As a fan of many things I know what it is like when someone fucks up your most favorite thing in the world. I just hope they end up being happy with the end result.

Abrams did feel Trek’s design aesthetic - which for him is largely defined by the lo-fi original series - needed a dramatic upgrade if the drama was going to be taken seriously. Case in point: The Enterprise still has a saucer front section and pronged rear engines, but now comes tricked out with credibility-enhancing details. During turbulence, the crew can now grab handrails to keep from falling. And Abrams has given the blah cardboard bridge a makeover. It still has the oval shape, the captain’s chair, the giant view screen - but it’s now blazingly white and glistening with light and glass. Apple Store, anyone? ”People would joke, ‘Where’s the Genius Bar?”’ says Abrams, somewhat defensively. ”To me, the bridge is so cool, it makes the Apple Store look uncool.”

You know I thought the same thing when I saw those pictures. I totally love the Apple Store though ,so of course I dig the new design for the Enterprise Bridge.

One other essential element in Team Abrams’ conception of the new Trek:Eric Bana getting the old Spock. Abrams felt Nimoy’s Obi-Wan-ish presence was so crucial, he told the studio he wouldn’t move forward without him. ”I thought Spock was behind me. I had no unfulfilled wishes,” Nimoy says. But Abrams was persuasive. ”I felt J.J. and his writers had a very strong sense of who the characters were and how they should work. To find a team that was interested in putting it all back together was very exciting.” Trekkers will be excited too. Nimoy’s first scene in the film, screened for EW, is goose-bumpingly cool.

This whole article is one big ass tease! I wish to hell this movie was coming out this year like originally planned damn it! But now we have to wait till next summer. I’m noy the only one that feels this way though.

”My only regret is that the movie can’t come out sooner,” Nimoy says. ”I think the world could use it. Don’t you?”

Yes. Yes, I do.

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